Wiley CPA Exam : How to Master Simulations by Debra R. Hopkins download ebook FB2, MOBI, DJV
Now fully revised, the only guide you need to ace the simulation question requirements of the CPA Exam Fully revised and updated, this tightly focused guide is like no other, focusing strictly on the simulation questions in the CPA Exam. Providing nine case studies-three for each section tested on the CPA exam- Wiley CPA Exam: How to Master Simulations, Second Edition takes you step by step to show you how to complete each simulation tested on the exam. O. Ray Whittington, well-known author and professor, uses his extensive experience to prepare candidates to master the simulations on the CPA Exam. Tightly focused, this study aid provides you with the tips and examples you need to study effectively, and includes All the new functionality of the simulation questions, including the new research requirements A complementary CD-ROM containing nine free full simulations to give you hands-on practice similar to the actual exam Essential guidance on how to do an efficient and effective search and how to understand the questions requirements Vital strategies on how to approach the research requirements of CPA exam simulations A detailed description of how to improve your written communications on the communication requirements of all sections of the exam Thorough guidance on how to complete Financial Accounting and Reporting, Regulation, and Auditing and Attestation simulations Filled with tips and examples of how you can effectively navigate through the simulation questions and maximize your score, Wiley CPA Exam: How to Master Simulations, Second Edition equips you with a systematic approach to understanding the CPA Exams simulation questions., Wiley CPA Exam: How to Master Simulations is designed to provide CPA candidates with a systematic approach to addressing the simulation questions that are now included in the CPA Exam. The book includes nine simulations, three for each section that is tested on the exam, Audit and Attestation, Financial Accounting and Reporting, and Regulation. It includes detailed information on how to approach each requirement of the simulations. The focus is on content, and more importantly, the "how to" approach on conducting the research to complete the simulation questions. The book includes tips, and examples of how candidates can effectively navigate through the simulation questions and maximize their score. There are real-life examples of how to write well, how to do an efficient and effective search, and how to understand the question requirements. The CD-ROM included in the book contains six free simulations to give you hands-on practice similar to the actual exam.
Debra R. Hopkins - Wiley CPA Exam : How to Master Simulations FB2, MOBI, EPUB
Study not biblical references are in "chapter-and-verse" format.Clean, clear text and annotations are laid out in an easy-to-read format, making this the perfect bible for personal study and gift-giving.Checked by AQA examiners, this is a revised and updated edition of Collins Student Support Materials for AQA.Traditional characters (still used in Taiwan and Hong Kong) are also included, making this a complete reference.Every title is frequently updated and reviewed against new developments and recent cases covered in the leading casebooks."CrunchTime" provides a comprehensive topic breakdown and critical information review all in one tool.Smart and friendly lessons reinforce necessary skills * Key tutorials enhance specific abilities needed on the test * Targeted drills increase comprehension and help organize study Ideal for Classroom, Family, or Solo Test Preparation!Techniques That Actually Work.Use the study guidelines, exam tips, and tables throughout the book simplify your exam preparation.Bottom-of-the-page study notes.