Economics of Higher Education : Background, Concepts, and Applications TXT, FB2, DOC
This book examines the many ways in which economic concepts, theories and models can be used to examine issues in higher education. The topics explored in the book include how students make college-going decisions, the payoffs to students and society from going to college, markets for higher education services, demand and supply in markets for higher education, why and how state and federal governments intervene in higher education markets, college and university revenues and expenditures, how institutions use net-pricing strategies and non-price product-differentiation strategies to pursue their goals and to compete in higher education markets, as well as issues related to faculty labor markets. The book is written for both economists and non-economists who study higher education issues and provides readers with background information and thorough explanations and illustrations of key economic concepts. In addition to reviewing the contributions economists have made to the study of higher education, it also examines recent research in each of the major topical areas. The book is policy-focused and each chapter analyses how contemporary higher education policies affect the behaviour of students, faculty and/or institutions of higher education. "Toutkoushian and Paulsen attempted a daunting task: to write a book on the economics of higher education for non-economists that is also useful to economists. A book that could be used for reference and as a textbook for higher education classes in economics, finance, and policy. They accomplish this tough balancing act with stunning success in a large volume that will serve as the go-to place for anyone interested in the history and current thinking on the economics of higher education. William E. Becker, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Economics, Indiana University"
Read Economics of Higher Education : Background, Concepts, and Applications by Robert K. Toutkoushian MOBI, DOC, FB2
Events from 2008 onwards raise important, cross-disciplinary questions: must financial markets drive states into political and existential crisis, must public finances take over private losses, must citizens endure austerity?Parts III and IV give a game-theoretic foundation to competition policy and merger control.Economics is a core part of these courses, which continue to attract increasing numbers of students each year.An arresting and highly engaging new look at how globalization has changed world history and how it continues to shape our lives Globalization has proved to be the most powerful and disruptive economic force of the last century, but most books on the subject have examined it through impersonal trends and policies.Extensive illustrations, callout boxes, and "Test Yourself" questions help students and clinicians quickly absorb the information they need.During the Second World War, foreign leaders like Winston Churchill began addressing Canadians in our House of Commons, and in so doing, they left their mark on how we thought about our role in global affairs.In the decades since, a succession of world figures has delivered urgent messages about Canada's importance to the United Nations, Cold War security, decolonization and modernization efforts, advancing human rights, environmental conservation, and combating terrorism.Each foreign leader who addressed Canada sought to forge new partnerships between their country and ours in a rapidly evolving global context.Did you marvel at the immense galaxies of Elite on the BBC Micro, or lose yourself in the surreal caverns of Manic Miner on the ZX Spectrum?Additionally, thetreatment of these complex systems is of essential value to thepolicy community responsible for these questions and to the broaderaudience for whom these issues are more directly connected to theirown health and wellbeing.Analyzes in depth national crime situations with global implications.